Working with ADHD adults

I work with adults who have ADHD through coaching. By helping you embrace the positives of your diagnosis, you can mitigate challenges.

There are many reasons why I have chosen my coaching path, working with ADHD adults.

Having ADHD myself, I now understand that it is possible to both embrace the positives of this diagnosis, whilst being able to mitigate everyday challenges.

Adults with ADHD do not have a lack of knowledge – in fact, we may have spent a lifetime researching “solutions”. However, we often have difficulty implementing that knowledge, which is where coaching can be the missing piece of the puzzle.

The gap between our true potential and what we feel we can achieve is huge. Many people with ADHD spend their lives battling an inner fight, feeling they are capable of so much more. But they can’t understand why they’re not achieving the things they want.

Our internal conflict with ADHD is one of our biggest challenges. We lose trust in ourselves, which can lead us to be extremely self-critical. Perfectionism can creep in along with black and white thinking.

We think we’re broken and feel that we’re failing, but we’re not broken, and we never were. By learning about how our brain works through coaching, we can change how we think and feel, learn new skills, and we can close this gap!

I believe in a strength-based approach to my coaching and that neurodiverse people are gifted (hence the name!). Through group coaching or one-to-one coaching, you’ll gain a wider understanding of ADHD, so you can mitigate your challenges, whilst utilising your amazing strengths.

Once we really get to know how our remarkable brains tick, we can embrace our unique gifts. The world might label us sometimes, but if we can learn to unconditionally accept ourselves, this can be truly transformational.