One-to-One Coaching For ADHD

One-to-one ADHD coaching for adults gives us the opportunity to go deeper, tailor-making sessions to each client’s specific needs.

With each session, I get to know you more, which builds a level of trust between us. This way, I can really get to know what makes you tick, learning about your unique values and strengths. Each session builds on the last one to create momentum every week, which allows for transformational change. Instead of just sticking a plaster on, using surface level coaching techniques, we get to your core issues and solve these together.

One-to-one coaching allows me to identify blind spots or limiting beliefs that you may hold or about the way you see the world. This could be holding you back from achieving your full potential. When my clients uncover their limiting beliefs, true change can happen.

What happens during ADHD coaching sessions?

In the first session, we will get an overview of what you would really like to change in your life. This provides clarity and focus on your specific goals, and we can develop a clear path on how to achieve them together.

I provide accountability on your defined goals each week, and we follow up on what’s working and what’s not working. It is never about failure; it is about data and information from a place of non-judgement. This is the key to making real changes in our lives.

“I have gained a greater understanding of what it means to have ADHD and how that has impacted on my life. It explains such a lot!”

“As a late diagnosed woman, I gained a huge insight into ADHD and how I can adapt my life to cope with certain aspects of it. Our discussions also helped me to understand why I had felt different for much of my life, and gave me confidence to accept myself more for what I am.”

“I really liked that you didn’t watch the clock like a hawk but wanted to make sure we covered everything and really listened to what I had to say. I liked your energy and felt like we were a good match. And I think that was the case for the whole of the 12 week programme.”

“Accepting myself and learning to work with rather than against myself, which helped me to be much kinder to myself and learn to like myself more.”